Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hi From Lyndon Lyon's!

Blah blah blah, what can I say? This is African violet HEAVEN!


  1. You are so lucky!
    I would have bought the whole place!

  2. Yes indeed VioletTiger I was very lucky. I got 2 new plants as a gift from my sweet friend Nancy Hayes!

  3. These pictures are just absolutely amazing! :D
    Very excellent work M3rma1d. And...Oh my god look all the pretty violets every color, every different bloom, every different size, just wow what a variety! And I definitely agree with VioletTiger, wish I could have each and every one of them to collect and take care of. They are just lovely plants. WellI hope you have a fun and safe trip! :) Upload lots of pictures of your adventure and of course violets!

  4. Dakjak--Thanks! I also took a little video while we were there, I'll put it up soon!

  5. And what about the tell-tale spilled pollen on Marina, the white star with the deep blue thumbprints?

  6. Anonymous--In a large greenhouse growing operation like this, thrips are pretty hard to avoid. Always take flowers off new purchases and isolate from the rest of your collection.


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