Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fuzzy Fan Spotting!

This lovely lady Betsy from Ocean City, NJ came up to me in the sales room today and said, "Are you Ann-Marie? I love your blog! I have to show you my pictures!" Then she proceeded to show me these BEAUTIFUL plants she's been growing.
When I remarked on what a great job she's done, she said, "It's all because of your blog!" I seriously almost cried, what an awesome feeling!

All week at convention I have been overwhelmed by people saying how much they love the Fuzzy Foliage blog, but seeing her pics really gave me a huge proud grin that I will be wearing for a while.


  1. You should feel proud. Helping others with the growing their plants is a wonderful thing. Thanks for all the work you've done to create your blogs and to keep them going.

  2. That is so awesome! I've passed along entries from your blog a few times and I'm sure I'll be using your info for myself too. Please continue to do what you're doing. It's so important! :D

  3. Ann-Marie,
    You deserve the accolades, you did a great job putting Fuzzy Foliage together. I checked your blog to see what you posted daily when I got home from the Convention. What your doing will help everyone! Thank you!

  4. Hi Ann-Marie, It was great to meet you yesterday. I was thrilled to get my violet watch. I purchased four violets and can't wait to see what they become. Everyone at the convention was so warm and welcoming! It was a great experience. Best wishes and keep up the great blog! Betsy


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