Greetings from Medford, NJ where we're visiting the Burlington African Violet Club's annual show and sale. This year's theme is "The Antique Violet Road Show".

Sandy Skalski got out her broom and pretty much swept it. Every plant on the winners table except the strep is hers! Thinking I need to go sneak into her plant room and hook up a 24/7 surveillance cam so we can all be educated...

Best In Show, Best Species, : Saintpaulia 5f clone orbicularis
2nd Best In Show, Best Fantasy, Best Trailer: Rob's Boolaroo
3rd Best In Show: Foxwood Trail
Best Standard: Buckeye Cranberry Sparkler
Best Semi: Raspberry Glitz
Best Mini, Best Variegated: Pink Dove
Best Gesneriad, Best Streptocarpus: Kim, grown by Sue Arnao
2nd Best In Show, Best Fantasy, Best Trailer: Rob's Boolaroo
3rd Best In Show: Foxwood Trail
Best Standard: Buckeye Cranberry Sparkler
Best Semi: Raspberry Glitz
Best Mini, Best Variegated: Pink Dove
Best Gesneriad, Best Streptocarpus: Kim, grown by Sue Arnao
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