Today was lots of fun--It was the
Bay State African Violet Society's annual luncheon (and plant sale & raffle! Can't leave out everyone's favorite parts).
There's not a whole lot to say, I mean... We came, we bought plants, we ate, we won stuff. So I'll just share some pics I snapped.
(Note: All pics can be clicked to biggerize!)
The hungry crowd starts to gather... |
Plant sales are always a good distraction! |
Now, right about here there should be a picture of the food, but we had a new catering company this year and the food was SO tasty that I inhaled it way too fast and got no pic. Sozzy! Just imagine: A fresh salad, zucchini & summer squash, potato wedges, chicken piccata (one of my FAVES), roast beef, AND ham all piled on my plate. Good visual? Ok, moving on....
Our lovely guest speaker Heidi Dillenbeck who came all the way down from Delanson, New York. She talked about using Murphy's Oil Soap in African violets. Hmmmmmmm, yeah no thanks. She also talked about Species violets, and then did a lot of questions & answers with the audience which was a big hit. |
African Violet Nerds mini-meeting! With Susan Clement, John & Barbara Cook of Cape Cod Violetry, and me. Or, the official title of this photograph: "John Cook and his harem". We shoulda gotten Lisa DiMambro and Elaine Dumas in the pic too. D'OH! Maybe I'll go back and photoshop them in later. |
The RAFFLE TABLE! Lots of good stuff this year to be had. None of my numbers came up, but Barbara Cook was getting hit after hit, and John slipped me one of her winning tix so I got a little something. I can't show you a pic of it because I might use it in an unusual container class at a
future show, and don't wanna sway any judges reading this blog into
white-ribboning me. |
Bay State has come up with a new way of entering show plants, basically an easy form to fill out. Here is a sample, not sure who EVER could have written such a thing. Hahahahahahaha!!!! |
So anyhooz, that was my super fun African violet-themed day! Tomorrow I think we're going up to Deb's Lab
(you may or may not remember it from this post), I'll try & take lotsa pics and update here again afterward. Wow, two blog posts in a row? Could be. Stay tuned....
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