Thursday, October 25, 2012

How NOT To Grow Show Plants

Well, the 3 main contenders I had hopes of entering in shows either next weekend at Tristate or at MAAVS week after are not looking likely. The worst part is, it's all my own fault for not taking care of things properly over the summer. Serves me right for relying on suspended animation up until almost the last minute. Yes, suspended animation is good if you just need to keep the plants alive, but it's not gonna work out if you actually wanna show any of them. Lesson learned, although I swear, I really did know better.
(Note: all pics can be clicked to biggerize)

Cherry Princess - DANG, look at all the  flowers on that ONE freakin' bloom stalk! Woulda had huge potential if I'd been doing it right. There's another stalk coming, but I'm pretty certain it won't be ready in time for anything. And by then, the older flowers will be fading anyways. 
Eternal Orbit - Two lonely flowers does not a show plant make. Don't be fooled by my bad growing practices, this cultivar is usually COVERED in blooms at shows, and even took Best In Show at the 2012 AVSA National Convention.
Fancy Free - FULL of bloom, but I wasn't paying attention so the foliage is a mess. Lotsa crazy gaps, and should be  bigger because it's a standard. I just kept snapping off leaves to save space. 

From now on, just call me Lamont because I am a BIG DUMMY!

We'll see if I manage to scrape up anything else to enter since this is my last chance for the year.

All of these plants are from THE best vendor, Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses. Please go "like" their facebook page if you haven't already--I work really hard on it! Again, don't be turned off by how badly I grew the plants, they ARE top-quality, I just kinda ruined their potential for this year. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Another Visit To The Violet Lab!

It's almost Halloween, so what better time to visit a lab? But this isn't just any ole lab. I almost titled this post: "It's Not Hoarding If You Take It To Work Instead Of Filling Your House With It" but that seemed a bit wordy. But, seriously.

I've told you a little about Deb before here. So basically, I'm just gonna post pics from today's visit. We had fun chatting and repotting, and that was about it! But I also snapped MANY pics and whittled over 100 down to just under 70, and I didn't take down names because... come on. But I got you a MEGA OVERLOAD of African violet eye-candy, so please do enjoy. And note: all pics can be clicked to biggerize!

We'll now take a brief intermission for all the GESNERINERDS aka "WEED ADDICTS" out there with some Streptocarpus pics....

And I now return you to your regularly scheduled African violet eye-candy drool-athon!

THE END! And again, please don't ask me any of the names because I probably don't know. All I can tell you is to make friends with Deb yourself, go visit her lab, and sift thru the 10,000 plants and find out for yourself, HA!
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